Acoustics Research Center UGM Blog

Study of Speed Blower Control System Design Based on Acoustic Sensor 0

Study of Speed Blower Control System Design Based on Acoustic Sensor

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The growth of the business industry in Indonesia is getting faster accompanied with the high level of development of modern shopping centers, mall or other large shopping centers. The metropolitan shopping center activity resulted in high energy usage. However, high energy requirements are not balanced with sufficient energy supplies. Of all components of the building in the urban, Air Conditioner (AC) appliance has a high portion of the buildings energy consumption.


Behavioral Characterization and Sound Rythme of Swiftlet

Most animals use body language, smell and sound in order to communicate with one another. The purpose is to transfer information from one or more animals which effect on the current or future behavior of another animal. As for animal’s sound, the information is embedded within the intensity level and frequency.