Category: Environmental Acoustics

Soundscape Your Campus! A Case Study of Sound Mapping at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia 0

Soundscape Your Campus! A Case Study of Sound Mapping at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

 IMG-20150305-WA0000Noise pollution in our community can be a tough challenge; it can be a dangerous risk to a person’s health.. In educational area, noise pollution causes uneasy and unfocused in teaching and learning activities for students and teachers. Public facilities such as the city main streets, hospitals, supermarkets, restaurants, and roadways, which are often located nearby campus, are facilities that might contribute to the campus noise pollution. Aside of being the noise source, these public facilities are also subject to the noise pollution itself.

Preliminary Study for Leakage Detection System 0

Preliminary Study for Leakage Detection System

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Indonesia’s energy consumption is using 95% fossil fuels and considered as a country with a fairly high level of energy consumption. Currently, Indonesia is in the state of energy crisis with oil reserves of 3.7 billion barrels, or 0.3% of world reserves. Leakages in oil piping system are among one of the major problem responsible to the lack of energy resources in some areas. This research aims to apply leakage detection system on pipeline based on acoustic and vibration methods.