National Acoustics Workshop 2015: Synergy Among Acousticans


Surabaya was one of the ARC members’ destination on October. The arrival of members to The City of Heroes was in order to attend a public lecture and aposter exhibition that were invited and held by Vibrastic (Vibrastion dan Acoustic) Laboratory, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). in National Acoustic Workshop (NAW) 2015 event. The event that was held on Oktober 27th and 28th 2015, was having “Synergy Among Acousticians” as its theme and acoustic experts from various university as its speaker. They are Mr. Joko Sarwono (ITB), Mrs. Sentagi Sesotya Utami (UGM), Mrs. Evi (Universitas Kristen Petra) and Mr. Iwan Yahya (UNS).

The first day was begun with speeches fromMr. Dhany Arifianto, as the Head of Vibrastic Laboratory ITS, that sincerely hope this event could be held annually in the following years and contribute to the development of acoustic science in Indonesia positively, in order to be able to compete with other countries. Mr Joko Sarwono, then, shared his life experience in deepen his acoustic knowledge, including the fact that he is a sound system administrator at the Independence Day-Flag Raising Ceremony for the last couple years, in the National Palace. Another interesting was his expertise in forensic acoustic. The next speaker was Mrs. Sentagi Sesotya Utami, telling his acoustic experience which began from acoustic room and class, stadium and project rest area, hotel and buildings in UGM to the initial formation of ARC. In the poster exh
ibition, ARC teams delegated 3-theme posters which are sound scaping, sound mapping and water leakage detection.

Mr. Iwan Yahya began the second session of the seminar by explaining his acoustic material study experience, which mainly focus on organic waste utilization that then transformed to be an acoustic panel that is reliable and can be commercialized. It was then followed by Mrs. Evi, sharing her research experience on green acoustic, which showing that noise cannot be significantly overcame by planting the trees only, but also designing and applying certain layout that support the system to work well.

The event brought all the members having a gala dinner in Balai Kota Surabaya. It’s so exciting that all the members could finally feel relieved after having a couple tiring days. The gala dinner ended with the winner announcement, which brought more excitement to ARC members because ARC succeeded in achieving two appreciations which are the second winner of sound mapping-theme poster and the third winner of sound scapping-theme poster.

All the workshop participant visited Laboratorium Hidrodinamika Indonesia (LHI) in BBPT ITS, on the second day of NAW. The laboratory is functioned to hold a research related to underwater acoustic where one of the research is focusing on how to decrease the vibration’s level of submarine so that traceable by radar. This research faces many problems since there are so many variables that affects the submarine’s vibration, including the propeller’s rotation, machine’s vibration or even the submarine’s own body. After visiting LHI, the all participants then lastly visited the House of Sampoerna and Museum Perjalanan Rokok Sampoerna. It was 04.00 pm when ARC members arrived at Gubeng Station, heading to Yogyakarta. Big thanks Surabaya and ITS, we’ll see you soon!

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